These webinars are organised by the APSAD Smoking and Vaping Cessation Professionals (ASVCP) Special Interest Group for APSAD members, providing the opportunity to share information and knowledge through regular contact and webinars. The aim is the promotion of optimal smoking cessation practice in Australasia by trained health professionals incorporating evidence-based practice with an ongoing learning objective.
Membership of the ASVCP-SIG is open to APSAD members with an interest in Smoking and Vaping Cessation. For information contact Membership Services at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Coming Up in the ASVCP Webinar Series
Tuesday 18 March 2025 l 1300 (AEDT)
Tackling Tobacco: Approaching 20 years of partnership with the community service sector
As the Tackling Tobacco program approaches its 20th year of implementation in NSW, this webinar will provide an overview of the program, including key milestones, contributions to the evidence base and the evolution of the program over time. The effectiveness of the program will be examined through the results of randomised controlled trials and case studies, with a focus on the impact the program has had in non-government alcohol and other drug services. Real-world examples of the program’s impact will be showcased, illustrating the practical applications of the implementation strategies and lessons learned from extensive program delivery across almost two decades.
Presenter: Laura Twyman, Program Lead, Tobacco Cessation, Tobacco Control Unit, Cancer Prevention and Advocacy Division, Cancer Council NSW
Registration Terms and Conditions Any persons affiliated with tobacco entities (current, in the past, or have future plans), tobacco lobbyists, either professionally or on a personal basis, will be ineligible to attend or present at any APSAD webinar or event. APSAD’s policy is aligned with the World Health Organization’s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, Article 5.3: There is a fundamental and irreconcilable conflict between the tobacco industry’s interest and public health policy interests. Registrations from such persons will be cancelled without notice. Paid registrations of such persons will not be refunded. |
Disclaimer The views expressed by presenters and speakers are not necessarily the views of APSAD, and the Society does not accept responsibility for any information, research, recommendation or advice presented. |
Watch ASVCP Webinars
Previous Recordings
February 2025 l Interim evaluation of the Incentive to Quit (I2Q) pilot program for smoking and vaping cessation
The Incentive to Quit (I2Q) Pilot Program is a government-funded initiative aimed at reducing smoking and vaping rates among high-prevalence nicotine users in South Australia. Implemented across four health service groups in the Northern Adelaide Local Health Network (NALHN), the program offered financial incentives of up to $150 to encourage quit attempts and engagement with Quitline services.
This presentation will describe key findings such as participant reach; 3- and 6-month cessation rates and Quitline engagement for those who have completed this milestone; cost-effectiveness; implementation barriers and enablers; participant feedback; policy implications; and next steps.
Presenter: Kelsey Sharrad, PhD Candidate, School of Medicine, University of Adelaide; Research Coordinator, Department of Sleep and Respiratory Medicine, Women's and Children's Hospital; Senior Project Manager, Houd Research Group
November 2024 l Cytisine without prescription in Australia
Cytisine has recently been scheduled as a pharmacist-only medicine in Australia. This presentation provides an opportunity to understand what this means and what people can do to help get cytisine on the market in Australia.
Presenter: Dr Natalie Gauld, Director, Natalie Gauld Ltd
As requested by the presenter the recording will not available for this webinar.
September 2024 l Clinical use of biomarkers: Bringing precision medicine to smoking and vaping cessation
Presenter: Prof Renee Bittoun, Medical School, Notre Dame University and Nicotine Addiction Unit, Lifestyle Medicine, Avondale University, Sydney, NSW
Presenter: Michael Fitzpatrick, Senior Hospital Scientist, Department of Chemical Pathology, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Camperdown, NSW
August 2024 l Practices and insights from use of NRT products in research trials across community and health settings
This presentation will outline the use of nicotine replacement therapies as core smoking cessation intervention elements in a number of randomised controlled trials with high priority groups across various health and community setting types. Research lessons learned as well as perspectives and experiences from setting staff and volunteers will be presented.
Presenter: Dr Ashleigh Guillaumier, Senior Research Fellow, College of Medicine and Public Health, Flinders University
July 2024 l A content analysis of illicit tobacco-related crimes reported in Australian media
Australian survey and seizure data suggest a growing illicit tobacco market. As an illicit product, accurately tracking trends in illicit tobacco growing, manufacture and sales is challenging. This is the first study that has used media articles and government press releases to synthesise trends in Australia’s illicit tobacco market over the past two decades, and as such, represents the most comprehensive synthesis to date of illicit tobacco-related crimes in Australia. This presentation will explore and discuss these trends.
Presenter: Ms Isabel Meciar, PhD Candidate, NHMRC Centre of Research Excellence on Achieving the Tobacco Endgame, The University of Queensland
June 2024 l Tobacco Use in Drug and Alcohol Use Disorders: First cab off the rank or least of our problems
This webinar will cover the epidemiology and evidence base for treatment of tobacco use disorders in people with other substance use disorders. It will also cover important clinical considerations including drug-drug interactions and considerations in prioritisation of care.
Presenter: Dr Adam Pastor, Deputy Director Department Addiction Medicine, St Vincent's Hospital Melbourne
June 2024 l Trends in vaping and tobacco smoking: An Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand outlook
Professor Hayden McRobbie, National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney; and Regional Director, Northern National Public Health Service, Health Board New Zealand,
Dr Ryan Courtney, Program Lead Tobacco Research Group, National Drug & Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney; Associate Professor/ National Heart Foundation Future Leader Fellow; and ASVCP Chair
April 2024 | An update on the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) guidance for clinicians on Therapeutic Vaping
This presentation will critique recent changes to regulation on access to vaping products and discuss use of therapeutic vaping for treatment of nicotine dependence.
Presenter: Professor Nicholas Zwar, Executive Dean, Faculty of Health Sciences and Medicine, Bond University
March 2024 | Reducing e-cigarette use among young people in NSW - social marketing campaign
This presentation will provide an overview of the NSW social marketing campaign to reduce e-cigarette use among young people (14-24 years). The presentation will focus on research and insights for campaign development
Presenters: Kate Reakes, Manager, Cancer Prevention, Cancer Screening & Prevention, Cancer Institute NSW, and Dr Sandra Rickards, Team Leader, Research & Evaluation, Cancer Screening & Prevention, Cancer Institute NSW
No recording availble for this webinar.
February 2024 | Intensive tobacco treatment incorporating contingency management for women attending substance use in pregnancy antenatal services. Is it feasible?
Pregnant women who use tobacco and other psychoactive substances are a high-priority group. Typically, considerable resources are devoted to preventing other substance use, but most women will continue to smoke tobacco throughout their pregnancy and beyond. This webinar describes the feasibility of an intensive tobacco treatment incorporating contingency management, nicotine replacement therapy and behavioural counselling into treatment for women attending substance use in pregnancy antenatal services. Included are results from the pilot trial including a cost-consequence analysis, and qualitative analysis of acceptability from the client and clinician perspective.
Presenter: Dr Melissa Jackson, Clinical Trial Coordinator, Drug and Alcohol Clinical Services Research Unit, Hunter New England Local Health District, NSW
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