The EMCR subcommittee purpose is to promote and engage in opportunities for Early to Mid Career Researchers and PhD students to improve their confidence, effectiveness and capacity by providing opportunities for networking, mentoring, collaboration, skills development and career planning.
The APSAD Early Career Researchers (ECR) subcommittee was formed in 2014 and in 2018 the committee changed its name and focus to also be inclusive of Mid-Career Researcher. There are similar challenges for ECRs and MCRs many of the opportunities offered by the former ECR subcommittee (including networking and training events) are equally applicable to both groups. We hope by merging the two together, the newly-named EMCR network will give a broader group the opportunity to network and participate in activities offered by the committee. Eligibility for the EMCR: <10 years post PhD>.
Are you current APSAD Member? If you wish to join our listserv to receive updates directly to your inbox email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to be added to the mailing list.
If you are not a current APSAD member and you are interested in joining the EMCR listserv, consider signing up for APSAD membership, details can be found here.
Each year at the APSAD Conference the EMCR committee organise a networking event for PhD students, post-doctoral fellows, honours students and experienced clinicians who may be earlier in their research career and mid-career researchers. The networking event features informal presentations from leaders in the alcohol and other drug sector sharing their top tips for career success. There is plenty of opportunity for networking with peers, exchange ideas, gather information and explore opportunities. Visit the EMCR Networking webpage for details for this year's event. |
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The APSAD Early-Mid Career Researchers Network on LinkedIn and Facebook provides a discussion forum for APSAD members and is also currently open to non-members.
Join in the conversation where our Network shares information on job opportunities; career resources; grant funding; networking events; share blogs and support each other. In particular, the Network aims to provide mentorship opportunities to those who may not have access to mentoring programs in their current work or research environment.
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Start a conversation on LinkedIn with the APSAD EMCR network |
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Join the APSAD EMCR Network closed group on FACEBOOK |
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Follow us on Twitter @ApsadEmcr |
The Abstract Mentor Program was initiated in 2015 with the objective of assisting Early Career Researchers working, or studying in the AOD field to improve their abstracts before submitting them for the APSAD Conference, thus increasing the chance of their work being represented at our conference.
The program is especially targeted at ECRs from resource-limited settings who may lack access to opportunities for rigorous mentoring in research and writing.
For further information visit the conference webpage
The annual APSAD Awards for Excellence in Science, Research, and Practice are designed to provide peer recognition for those working in the drug and alcohol field in Australasia. The Early Career Award is for excellence in research relative to career opportunities.
The winner of the Early Career Award gives the Early Career keynote address at this year’s APSAD Conference. Nominations for the APSAD Awards open in June.
For further information on all the APSAD Awards go the AWARDS page on the APSAD website.
Visit the APSAD YouTube Channel to view the past Early Career Award winner’s keynote presentation. |
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Are you enrolled in an undergraduate or postgraduate degree, studying full time, or working part-time? You may be eligible to apply for FREE APSAD Student membership.
To find out more about the different types of membership visit our Membership page.
Interested in joining the EMCR subcommittee let us know, we meet bi-monthly via Zoom. For committee enquiries, contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Click here to view the current committee listing.