The Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs

Events Calendar

The DANA 2023 Annual Conference and Symposia
From Wednesday 02 August 2023 -  08:00
To Friday 04 August 2023 - 17:00
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DANA’s 40th anniversary at the annual conference, incorporating the Nurse Practitioner Symposium and, for the first time, the Foundational Symposium, the ABC of AOD.

This program has something for all nurses and nurse practitioners from across Australasia, whether you are new to the specialty or an experienced practitioner. It will be a chance to share knowledge about contemporary issues and effective clinical practice.

Come along - seek inspiration from, and connect with esteemed colleagues.

To celebrate DANA’s 40 years, there will be a networking event on Thursday August 3rd. (Day only delegates are ineligible).

Location Sydney