The Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs

Events Calendar

Global Addiction Conference
From Monday 10 November 2014 -  08:00
To Wednesday 12 November 2014 - 17:00
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The Global Addiction Annual conference is moving for the first time out of Europe.  This pattern is to be continued into the future, with the conference alternating between Europe and other destinations year on year.

This movement between continents reflects the truly global nature that the association is now developing.  Delegates to the 2013 conference attended from over 50 countries from all around the world.  Only by moving the conference to take place across all continents can cultural differences in addictions be represented fully.

It is anticipated that the focus of the conference in South America will be around topics such as alcohol, designer/club drugs, prescription drug addictions (eg. Opioid pain killers, sleeping pills, NSAIDs etc), cosmetic addictions (eg. Amphetamine for weight loss, cosmetic surgery etc).  Opioid addiction is not considered to be such an issue in South America as in other regions of the world, this current understanding of the situation will be assessed and considered more fully.

for further information visit their website

Location Rio de Janeiro, Brasil