The Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs

Events Calendar

NDARC Annual Research Symposium
Wednesday 04 September 2013
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it../au

The NDARC Symposium is an annual showcase of the research being undertaken by the Centre. Our aim is to translate our research findings for a clinical and policy-making audience. Both senior and junior researchers present their work via long presentations, short talks and posters.

In 2013, the program will cover four areas: findings from long term research studies, including cohort studies; current problems and proposed solutions related to alcohol; findings from three new treatment/intervention studies; and the latest research concerning the interplay between drug markets and users and the criminal justice system.



Program: Please see the program outline below for speakers and session details.

Cost: Earlybird: $170. Standard: $190.


You can register online.

Bookings will close on 28 August.


Location John Niland Scientia Building at University of NSW